Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years Day

Well it is now 2009 but it doesn't seem like I will be 40 in 3 months.

We had a quiet night with a couple of friends over for a bbq, but their little one was getting a bit tired so they left early to get her home and to bed.

2008 was a good year for us, after all we did get Ciara on 15th of July and although there was some late nights in the first few weeks, that is all sorted and she is in bed by about 8pm and has been sleeping through the night since 10 weeks old. Ciara has now been commando crawling on her tummy since before she was 5 months old and first rolled over by 7 weeks. Solid foods have also been started at about 4 and a half months. So there seems to be progression pretty quickly.

We also renovted our bathroom though it wasn't cheap, it really adds alot to the place and will hopefully make it easier to sell the apartment. We are both very happy with how it turned out, with colours neutral enough not to put anyone off.

We also had a couple of trips to the eastern states as well, I went to Qld once and to NSW once, though Ang went Qld 3 times and NSW once. We also have another trip to Qld coming up in February which should be good and a precursor to moving over in April.

Back to Ciara
Ciara is already taking over our life and dictating what we can and can't do and when we can do it. Since she needs regular naps and is tired by 8pm and in bed we pretty much have to home by then. There is also the matter of regular feeding about 6 or 7 times a day, which is more of a chore for Ang than it is for me, but it means we have to carry enough food and supplies (nappies) for longer than we anticpate being out, in case we are delayed or I get talked into another beer :). It does seem to be a bit of work, but each day it is all worthwhile, Especially in the morning when I go get her from her cott and she has a huge smile just me or the same smile i get from making stupid noises for her, or even just getting in the front door after work.

Today we will be going to my mums'house for dinner, usual thursday outing, and Ciara will get a bath instead of her nightly showers with me, since our apartment only a double size shower and no bath.

Will be back in soon.

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